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Key Actions When Someone Completes Your Estimator

A Step by Step Guide for When Someone Completes Your Estimator

Congratulations! Someone has just taken a big step towards choosing your services by completing your estimator.

This is a golden opportunity, and acting swiftly can make all the difference. Here’s what to do next to turn that interest into a thriving business relationship.

1.  Reach Out Promptly

Make That Call: Speed is of the essence.

Giving them a call right away shows you’re attentive and ready to help.

A quick, friendly chat where you address their needs based on their estimator results can set the foundation for a strong connection.

2. Send a Personalized Email

Follow Up with Details: Not everyone will be ready for a call immediately.

Sending a personalized email thanking them for their interest and summarizing their estimator results creates a touchpoint.

Offer to answer any questions and suggest the next steps.

3. Review Their Estimator Results

Be Prepared: Before you reach out, take a moment to understand their needs better.

Review the services they’re interested in and any specific preferences they’ve indicated.

This allows you to tailor your conversation or email to their specific situation.

4. Offer to Clarify or Reassess

Flexibility is Key: Sometimes, clients might not be sure about what they need or might miss adding crucial details.

Offer to reassess their needs or clarify any points.

This not only helps in refining the estimate but also builds trust.

5. Use the Opportunity to Educate

Provide Value: Whether on call or via email, use the opportunity to educate them about your services.

Highlight the value you provide, share insights on common concerns related to their chosen services, and how you can address them.

6. Encourage Immediate Action

Create a Sense of Urgency: If possible, offer a limited-time discount or an incentive for booking a service soon after the estimate.

This can motivate them to move from considering to deciding.

7. Keep the Conversation Going

Follow-Up: Not everyone will be ready to commit immediately.

It’s crucial to keep the conversation going. Schedule a follow-up call or email, add them to your newsletter (with their permission), and keep them informed about your services and special offers.

 8. Ask for Feedback

Learn and Improve: Asking for feedback about their experience with the estimator and your follow-up can provide valuable insights.

Use this feedback to refine your approach and make your service even more appealing.