Unlock the Power of Pricing Transparency
Say NO to “Call for Quote” and help your prospects discover prices on their own by building your own Pricing Estimator tool for your website.
3-5X More Leads
Create in minutes, not weeks
Works for all service providers
No credit card required 🙂
“£300,000 in sales generated in two months”
Cara Mackay, CEO, Gillies & Mackay
Built for service providers like you.
PriceGuide.ai is a user-friendly digital tool that enables service-based businesses to quickly create transparent pricing estimators, streamlining the early-quote process and generating leads effortlessly.
Perfect for all service industries—whether you’re in HVAC, home renovation, pest control, marketing, or any other field!
“PriceGuide saves time and builds trust by automating clear, upfront pricing.”
Marcus Sheridan, Author of They Ask You Answer, and Co-Founder of PriceGuide.ai
“75% of our leads come off the calculator”
Eli Stutzman, CEO, Chillax Patios

Quick Setup
Get set up in minutes, not weeks.
Save Time
Automate the pre-quote process.
Increase Leads
Turn curious visitors into hot leads.
Build Trust
Be as open with your pricing as you are with your services.