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 5 Top Ways to Utilize Your PriceGuide.ai Pricing Estimator

A Step by Step Guide to Maximise it’s Impact

1. On Your Company Website

Embedding PriceGuide’s estimator on your website is a powerful way to engage visitors and convert them into potential customers by providing instant, rough estimates for your services.

This tool not only enhances the user experience but also showcases your commitment to transparency and customer satisfaction.

Here are several strategic places on your website where you can integrate the estimator to maximize its effectiveness:


  • Homepage: Incorporate the estimator prominently on your homepage. This ensures it’s one of the first things a visitor sees, prompting immediate interaction. Consider using a catchy headline or an eye-catching button that invites users to get a quote.
  • Services Page: Place it on your services page where detailed descriptions of your services are provided. Customers often visit the services page to explore specific offerings, making this a perfect spot for the estimator to help them get pricing related to their needs.
  • Sidebar: Adding the estimator to a sidebar that appears on multiple pages increases visibility without being intrusive. It’s always accessible as users navigate through your site, encouraging them to use the tool as they learn more about your company.
  • Contact Page: Often, visitors go to the contact page with the intention of inquiries. Providing the estimator here can give them the immediate answers they might be seeking, possibly converting an inquiry into a lead faster.
  • FAQ Page: Integrating the estimator on the FAQ page can be effective, especially if pricing questions are common. It provides a dynamic way to answer pricing queries by letting potential customers calculate the estimate themselves based on their specific conditions.
  • Blog Posts and Articles: For content that discusses services or home improvement tips, embedding the estimator relevant to the discussed services can capitalize on the reader’s current engagement and interest in specific solutions.
  • Footer: Placing the estimator in the website’s footer ensures it appears on every page, making it easily accessible at any point during the site navigation without needing to return to a specific page.

Want us to help embed it on your website for free?

If you would like our team to embed your estimator on your website for you, or even just tidy up what you have embedded already, please click on the link below and complete our short form. Our team will then take care of the rest!

2. During Initial Customer Inquiries

Integrating PriceGuide’s estimator into the initial stages of customer interaction can significantly enhance the inquiry process. Here’s how you can make the most out of it:

  • Quick Response Tool: Equip your customer service team with access to the estimator. This way, when potential clients call or chat online asking about service costs, your team can quickly guide them through the estimator.
  • Email Inquiries: Include a link to your PriceGuide estimator in response emails to inquiries. This allows customers to explore pricing on their own time, providing a detailed estimate before they even speak to a representative. It sets a transparent tone and can speed up the decision-making process.
  • Social Media Inquiries: When potential customers inquire about services on social media, respond with a link to the estimator. This not only answers their questions quickly but also drives traffic to your website, increasing engagement.

By utilizing PriceGuide’s estimator during initial inquiries, you’re not just providing a price; you’re enhancing customer interaction, building trust, and setting the stage for informed and productive conversations.

3. QR Codes in Print Advertising

Incorporating QR codes that link directly to the PriceGuide estimator in flyers, mailers, or business cards. 

This modern approach can captivate potential clients’ attention and provide them with immediate access to estimates, even from traditional advertising methods.

Here’s how to do it for free with QR Code Generator:

  • Go to the Website: Visit QR Code Generator.
  • Enter Your Estimator’s Link/URL: Find the “Estimator Link” of your PriceGuide estimator and copy it. Then, paste this URL into the field that says “Enter your URL here” on the QR Code Generator site.
  • Generate the QR Code: Once you’ve entered the URL, click the “Create QR Code” button. Your QR code will be created instantly.
  • Customize (Optional): You can personalize your QR code by changing colors, adding a logo, or tweaking the design to match your brand.
  • Download Your QR Code: After you’re happy with the design, download the QR code. You can choose from various formats like PNG, SVG, or EPS to ensure it works for all your needs.
  • Use It Everywhere: Place this QR code on your business cards, flyers, posters, and even digital platforms. Anyone who scans it with their smartphone will be taken directly to your estimator, making it super easy for them to get a pricing estimate.

That’s it! You now have a handy tool that links directly to your PriceGuide estimator, enhancing accessibility and engaging potential customers right where they are.

4. Pre-consultation Preparation

Before you meet with a customer for a scheduled consultation or site visit, encouraging them to use the PriceGuide estimator can be incredibly beneficial.

Here’s how to make the most of this tool to ensure both you and your customer are well-prepared for the discussion:

  • Send the Estimator Link Ahead of Time: When you schedule the consultation, include the link to your PriceGuide estimator in the confirmation email or message. Let the customer know that completing the estimator will help both of you understand the potential costs upfront.
  • Explain the Benefits: Briefly explain to your customer how using the estimator can save time during the actual meeting and lead to a more focused discussion. Emphasize that this step will help clarify their needs and set a realistic expectation of the project costs.
  • Request Completion Before the Meeting: Politely request that they complete the estimator before your meeting. You might say, “To make our upcoming consultation as productive as possible, please take a moment to fill out our quick pricing estimator. It’ll help us get straight to the important stuff when we meet!”
  • Check Results Beforehand: Review the results they’ve submitted through the estimator prior to the consultation. This gives you insight into what services they are interested in and their budget expectations, allowing you to tailor your discussion accordingly.
  • Prepare Customized Information: Based on their responses in the estimator, prepare specific information or alternatives that could be relevant to their needs and budget. This readiness shows that you are proactive and customer-focused.
  • Use as a Discussion Starter: Start your consultation by discussing the results from the estimator. It’s a great icebreaker and leads naturally into deeper conversation about their needs and how you can help fulfill them.
  • Adjust as Needed: Remember, the estimator provides a baseline estimate. Be prepared to discuss potential adjustments or additional services that may affect the final cost based on the site visit or detailed requirements the customer might have.


 5. In Marketing Campaigns

Integrating the PriceGuide estimator into your marketing campaigns can transform how you engage with potential customers online and offline.

Here’s how to effectively utilize this tool to boost engagement and generate more leads:

  • Highlight the Estimator in Ads: Whether you’re running digital ads on platforms like Google, Facebook, or Instagram, make sure to highlight the ability to get instant price estimates. Use phrases like “Get an instant price range today!” to draw attention and encourage clicks.
  • Social Media Promotion: Share the estimator on your social media channels regularly. Create posts that talk about the ease of getting a transparent price estimate directly from your website. Use engaging visuals and direct call-to-action buttons that link to the estimator.
  • Email Marketing Integration: Include a link to the estimator in your email marketing campaigns. Encourage recipients to check out how easy it is to get a pricing estimate with your service. Highlight this as a value-added feature that respects their time and needs.
  • Content Marketing Synergy: Create blog posts or articles that guide potential customers on how to budget for services like yours and embed the estimator within these resources. This not only helps in SEO but also serves as a functional tool within educational content.

By incorporating the PriceGuide estimator into various facets of your marketing strategies, you not only simplify the lead generation process but also empower customers to make informed decisions quickly and efficiently.

This approach not only saves time for both parties but also enhances the customer’s experience by providing upfront transparency and control.